New graduates often spend the first years after graduation consumed with figuring out the quickest way to begin earning a steady income and paying off student loan debt. Almost every dentist has gone through this, and sometimes a little bit of advice is all it takes to point someone in the right direction.
In an effort to consistently go above and beyond just “a little bit,” the AGD has assembled a lecture and panel presented by some of the top education and consulting firms in the dental industry: igniteDDS, Dr. Charles Blair and Associates, Cain Watters & Associates, and The Pankey Institute.
Most importantly, this presentation is free to all dental students and recent graduates.
Out on Your Own: What They Don’t Teach You in Dental School,” takes place Saturday, July 16 from 2 to 6 p.m. The day will include a lecture followed by a panel discussion on topics such as:
- Two-to-three-doctor independent practices.
- The risks of associateship compared to ownership.
- Relationship-building and communicating with patients.
Everyone in attendance also will be invited to an evening reception with free cocktails and the chance to network one-on-one with the speakers, sponsors, and AGD members. Space is limited, so please be sure to register as early as possible by visiting
Crest Oral-B is the Presenting Sponsor of this course.
Sponsored in part by 3M.